Dr. Black Jack Is Not Working (2025)

1. Kuroo Hazama (nickname as Black Jack) is the main protagonist from ...

  • Black Jack Wiki · Young Black Jack · Young Black Jack character · Pinoko

  • "My name is Black Jack" -Black Jack Kuroo Hazama (nickname as Black Jack) is the main protagonist from the Japanese adult animated series Black Jack. He is an orphaned surgeon who lost his mother as a child when a landmine exploded in the beach. The boy is rescued by the late Dr. Honma, who became his inspiration to pursue a medical career. As a kid, his father Kagemitsu disappeared with his girlfriend Renka in the city from Macau to China during the night or midnight. When he grows up, Kuroo li

2. Tezuka Osamu's Black Jack, "Shrinking" - SundayResearch

  • 17 jun 2009 · In the story "Shrinking," his master Dr. Togakushi invited Black Jack (BJ) to a village in Africa. BJ saw a lot of dead animals because of famine and drought.

  • I like several novel authors. My first favorite author is probably Teduka, Osamu. I still love him. The list grows by adding Hoshi, Shinichi...

3. Ask Dr. Blackjack | A Winning Blackjack Strategy

  • Discover a winning Blackjack strategy so good that it got the author barred from 46 casinos -- without counting cards or breaking the rules!

  • Readers Say


  • 19 nov 1973 · Black Jack has a cramp in the right hand he holds a scalpel with every time he has surgery for pneumothorax. That's the reason he is not able to ...

5. paging dr. black jack - let's anime

6. How old is Black Jack and do you think he's still a virgin?O.o - Tumblr

  • It is revealed later in the episode (or manga chapter), that his hands might quit working 2 decades after Dr. Honma performed the reconstructive surgery on ...

  • How old is Black Jack and do you think he's still a virgin?O.o Aloha my dear anonymous fellow! Black Jack's age is rather easily to determine in Black Jack 21, since the series takes place 21 years…

7. When The Chips Are Down: What Black Jack Teaches Us About the ...

  • 18 apr 2018 · An analysis and review of the wholesome and nearly Christ-like way Dr. Black Jack teaches us about life and living ... Black Jack stops and talks ...

  • An analysis and review of the wholesome and nearly Christ-like way Dr. Black Jack teaches us about life and living.

8. Dr. Black Jack - The Cutting Room Floor

  • 6 feb 2022 · Dr. Black Jack is not a crossover between Dr. Mario and Blackjack, unfortunately. Early About Dialog. Early, Final. Now you see the version ...

  • If you appreciate the work done within the wiki, please consider supporting The Cutting Room Floor on Patreon. Thanks for all your support!

9. Pinoko - Black Jack Wiki - Fandom

  • Every surgery had to be cancelled due to this problem, causing the doctors to have no choice but to turn to their last resort: Black Jack. Fining a whopping ...

  • Episode 42: Life's Wrong Diagnosis Pinoko is Black Jack's sidekick and assistant. Despite her toddler-like appearance, she has actually been alive for eighteen years. She was originally a "teratoid cystoma" (Not an actual medical term but she is most likely a teratoma, which is a tumor made up of several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, or bone. They typically form in the ovaries, testicles, or tailbone and less commonly in other areas), growing in the abdomen of her eighteen-yea

10. Black Jack OVA intro and episodes 1-2 - anime reboot - LiveJournal

  • 24 dec 2006 · Pinoko naps on the floor, and Black Jack stops a minute to cover her up. Aww. Unfortunately, every test done comes up clean. Nobody can figure ...

  • [Hey guys, sorry this is so late starting. I got busier over break than I thought I would, and then I had some delays in getting everything that I needed together. Anyway, here's the first entry and the others shouldn't take long in following. I hope it's okay if I still post these.] This is one of…

11. Black Jack - Tezuka In English

  • That's DOCTOR Black Jack to you. Distinguishing Features. With his distinctive look, with a large scar across his face and a streak of white running through his ...

  • With his distinctive look, with a large scar across his face and a streak of white running through his jet black hair, Black Jack has a rather ominous appearance. However, this gruff and heartless …

12. The Prescience and Universality of Tezuka's Manga Masterpiece ...

  • 29 nov 2023 · ... doctor named Hazama Kuroo, who calls himself Black Jack. He is a ... I know I am not the only one who feels this way about Tezuka and his work.

  • This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the debut of Black Jack, the celebrated manga series by the “God of Manga,” Tezuka Osamu. A bold sketch of medical fiction based in part on his own experiences as a licensed physician, its themes continue to resonate in the modern era.


  • 19 nov 1973 · But the problem is he does not have a medical license. Black Jack is a so-called pirate doctor widely known by doctors all over the world. Some ...

14. Black Jack (Manga) - TV Tropes

  • Broken Pedestal: Subverted with Dr. Jotaro Honma, Black Jack's savior and greatest inspiration. He confesses on his death bed that the reason for his retirement ...

  • A manga series about an unlicensed physician who charges immense fees to use his miraculous healing skills. Well, sometimes immense. He actually charges however much people can afford to pay him, but he's not above defining "afford to pay him" as …

15. Black Jack (1993): A Hard-Boiled Doctor's Preservation of Life

  • 6 okt 2020 · ... working under Tezuka and would go on to direct and write Ashita ... Watching something like Black Jack, however, not to mention knowing ...

  • From an anime fan’s standpoint, Osamu Tezuka is a fascinating subject of study. Even though I haven’t read or seen most of his works, his…

16. Black Jack - Release Order | LiveChart.me

  • Dr. Black Jack forgot his doctor's bag, and his assistant (plus self-claimed "wife") Pinoko rushed to deliver the bag but found herself lost in ...

  • LiveChart.me is your guide to new anime

17. Black Jack Volume 1 - Slings & Arrows

  • ... no chronological sequence. In ... Whether Pinoko is a year old or eighteen is a running gag, and she becomes Black Jack's secretary, major domo and gadfly.

  • Black Jack Volume 1 | The Slings & Arrows Graphic Novel Guide

Dr. Black Jack Is Not Working (2025)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.